We have a hunter-gatherer mind, and stories have been a part of our lives since we learned to communicate. We have been groomed by stories for thousands of years. Our religion is based on stories, and so are our beliefs. We need a hero to look up to in our life.
“We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.”
—Jimmy Neil Smith, Director of the International Storytelling Center
When we hear a good story, we become a part of it. We understand the character’s emotions and conditions. It’s just a part of our nature. We can forget facts, but we seldom forget a good story. Good marketing is based on storytelling, and so is leadership. When we accept someone as our leader, we want to know everything about them, we want to hear their story, and in the process, they become a part of our life.
“Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.”
– Seth Godin, author, entrepreneur, marketer, and public speaker
I recently listened to an episode of The Knowledge Project, where the guest, Chris Davis, talked about the power of storytelling. He said that people would understand science better if it’s told through stories. There is something there.
“You’re never going to kill storytelling, because it’s built in the human plan. We come with it.” –
Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid’s Tale
If we want to be memorable, we have to be good at storytelling. We can use this tool, which has been around for thousands of years, to be influential in any field of life.
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